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Arizona Paths

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"You know you live in Arizona when...
...most of the restaurants in your town have the first name "El" or "Los.""

You'll Love Our New Arizona Novelties!

Restaurant Review
Arizona Mongolian BBQ

It seems just a few short months ago I was driving past this area and watched as the new complex was being developed. Restaurants in Gilbert are growing amazingly fast, as many of the locals will likely testify. It wasn't long ago when a Gilbert resident had to leave town just to eat out. And Arizona Mongolian Barbecue makes a nice addition to Gilbert's montage of restaurants.

Feature Article
The Story Of A Boy
by Crystal Coons

Let me tell you the story of a boy... a boy named Harley. He was born in Arizona and lived a good part of his life in the County Pet Control center. We met him at the Arizona Humane Society. He didn't talk much, but we knew he was the right fit for us.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

A woman had been living in Arizona for about a year. While talking to a friend of hers back east, she spent a considerable amount of time boasting about how wonderful it is to live here.

"The scenery is beautiful, everyone is so friendly, and the weather is gorgeous," she noted.

That fall, her friend came to visit for a week. The first day she was here, it rained. The woman was so disappointed, especially after claiming how wonderfully sunny it always was.

"I can't believe it's raining. It almost never rains," she whined.

In an attempt to console her, her friend replies, "But it's a dry rain."
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

PC Chat Computer Radio Show
PC Chat