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msg: 1

Fri, Jun 18, 2004, 10:44am

Me and my girlfriend are thinking about moving out to Phoenix and was wondering how far Glendale, Gilbert, Avendale, Scotsdale, Tempe, and Mesa are from Phoenix.

msg: 2

Fri, Jun 18, 2004, 11:03am

<Me and my girlfriend are thinking about moving out to Phoenix and was wondering how far Glendale, Gilbert, Avendale, Scotsdale, Tempe, and Mesa are from Phoenix.>

Glendale, Scottsdale, and Tempe all border Phoenix.. so if you're at the edge of one city, you could take one step to get to the other. However, to go from the far end of one city to the far end of it's neighboring city could be as much as 40 miles.

As for the other cities, I'll give you the shortest approximate distances (from the closest edges of each city).

The eastern border of Avondale is about 10 miles west of Phoenix. The western border of Mesa is about 5 miles east of Phoenix. The western border of Gilbert (which is south of Mesa) is about 15 miles southeast of Phoenix.

Hope that helps!
msg: 3

Fri, Jun 18, 2004, 11:07am

Thanks for the info! One more question, I'm in the computer field and am looking for jobs out there. How is the market?

Thanks again!

msg: 4

Fri, Jun 18, 2004, 11:09am

Ahhhhh! One more thing! Where would be the best place to look for a home in the Phoenix area? I'm looking for a home under $200,000.

msg: 5

Sat, Jun 19, 2004, 12:15am

<One more question, I'm in the computer field and am looking for jobs out there. How is the market?>

That's interesting.. I own a computer company, so I can give you some first-hand experience with this. We got lots and lots of resumes, but very few people make it through our hiring process. But we're looking for a specific type of person.

Depending on what you specifically do, this might not even apply to you.

<Ahhhhh! One more thing! Where would be the best place to look for a home in the Phoenix area? I'm looking for a home under $200,000.>

If $200,000 is your budget, then you can purchase in most areas. As far as where you'd want to live.. if you tell me what kind of area you'd like to be in and what things you'd like to have around you, I can more easily guide you.

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