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Need info in Tucson

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msg: 1

Thu, Nov 20, 2003, 9:59am

Hello! I am in desperate need of information about living in Tucson! My husband ans 2 children have an oppurtunity to move there in the next few months. However I am terrified of spiders, scorpions, snakes, cockroaches...YOU NAME IT! Right now, where we live we rarely see spiders and when we do they are very small. I guess I expect to see huge spiders in the house, cocroaches in cupboards, and I scared of my children being stung by a scorpion. Could someone let me know now bad these things really are?! Thanks!
msg: 2

Thu, Nov 20, 2003, 3:16pm

Where do you live now? Answering that question may make it easier to compare.

I am an Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

native, and I've lived here my whole life. I have never seen a scorpion or a large spider except in captivity (like the zoo). I do know a few people who have seen them and/or been stung. The stings are generally painful like an ant bite or a bee sting and will cause swelling, but no real damage is usually done. Your best bet is to use common sense:

Scorpions -
It's rare that you see them, unless you look for them outside in desert areas. It's usually an area, not an individual house, that has scropions.. so ask the neighbors what their experiences are before buying a house in an area.

Spiders -
They like dark undisturbed places, like under stairs, or way in the back of rarely used cabinets. The dangerous ones here are the black widows. I've seen one once when I was a little kid. A quick shot of RAID takes care of them. Just avoid sticking your hands in places that you can't see. Most spiders that you will see are little tiny harmless ones. I usually smash them with my thumb.

Snakes -
The rattle snake is the common one here. You definately want to avoid these. The nice thing about them is that they give off a nice warning, their rattling, that you can hear from quite a ways away. If you come across one, just back away slowly. I saw one once, the only wild one I ever saw, about three months ago. I was more interested than scared, so I broke out my video camera and started taping.

Roaches -
They are definately very gross, but harmless. They are nasty sewer creatures. I see one about once every six months. Spray it with RAID, then use some paper towels to pick it up and throw it in the toilet for a quick flush.

I've been all over this state, I regularly camp and hike.. and I think the worst thing I've ever had happen was a minor bug bite that swelled up a bit.

If you do decide to move to Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

, then welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy it.
msg: 3

Thu, Nov 20, 2003, 4:48pm

Thanks for the input! And to answer your question we are located in Canada right now and harsh winters kill any sign of insects atleast for a few months! I do have a major phobia when it comes to any kind of spider....big or small. We do have spiders here and they can get quite large in the summer months but I do not see many in the house. Are spiders found around houses regularly there? What about outside? I guess I am assuming that since it is warm all year round there, that there must be a LARGE population of spiders/webs ect....
Thanks again!
msg: 4

Thu, Nov 20, 2003, 5:03pm

<And to answer your question we are located in Canada right now>

My wife is from Canada, and she loves it here. And when it comes to any bug-like creature, she's very squeemish.

<Are spiders found around houses regularly there? What about outside?>

They are found around areas that are unmaintained and generally untouched, because they like to be hidden away. For instance, if you have a storage shed in your backyard, you may find them hiding in the corner underneath a pile of junk. I have never seen any dangerous spiders inside before.

I have seen little, and I mean very little (like the size of the point on a ball-point pen) spiders every once in a while inside. If you put your finger anywhere near them, they will run away from you :-).

<I guess I am assuming that since it is warm all year round there, that there must be a LARGE population of spiders/webs ect....>

Not so much. It is very hot here for about three months, very nice for about six months, and chilly-to-cold for about three months. Probably not cold by your standards, but cold enough. Though that depends on where in Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

you live. Much of central and southern Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

is hot. Northern and eastern Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

can get very cold.. well below freezing regularly in the winter, so it's a place to go for homesick Canadians :-).
msg: 5

Fri, Nov 21, 2003, 8:56am

Thanks once again! May I ask what part of Canada your wife is from?
I am not sure if you can help with the next few questions as they are directly related to Tucson , actually Oro Valley.
I am wondering what crime is like in Tucson and area. I have read online papers that have said Tucson's crime rate is right up there with the rest of the bigger cities.
Also what is up with Oro Valley having no street lights? Do you know anything about this? Another thing that kind of freaks me out a bit!

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