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msg: 1

Tue, Nov 11, 2003, 12:53am

Dont know if this has anything to do with Az Paths but just thought to bring it up. I read on it and it got 3 stars in the AZ republic, and I heard lots of positive reviews and lots of negative reviews. So Nick here I am, asking your opinion even though I already know the answer... or do I? I already know if I am gonna see it or not I just have to make the choice, "No I wont do it" :-) Feed me your review Nick.
msg: 2

Tue, Nov 11, 2003, 11:58pm


As the movie was finishing up, I and just about everyone else in the theater left with a sense of disappointment. About half an hour later while I was driving home, I started to understand what really happened and decided that it actually made a lot of sense.. so I came to like it a lot more.

What I noticed from the first two is that the people who didn't like them were the people who didn't understand them. This is true for the third as well.. though there are going to be a lot more people that don't understand it this time.


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