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"You know you live in Arizona when...
...your Christmas decorations include a half a yard of sand and 100 paper bags."

Restaurant Review
Uno Chicago Grill

Some places have one main specialty. These types of places take great care in preparing that one type of meal. They are usually known for it, and they've received many awards for this particular dish. Unfortunately, all other dishes at this category of restaurants seem to be neglected. Uno Chicago Grill just happens to fall into this category.

Feature Article
Last Minute Christmas Stuff
by Nick Coons

This is the final weekend to get all of your last-minute Christmas shopping completed. If you're buying gifts at the mall, have fun! The malls, and even non-mall stores, are going to be extremely crowded as the busiest shopping days of the year grow nearer. Even finding a parking space is going to be a task. The only real upside here is that the weather is great this time of year.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

by Walt Zientek

'Twas the night before Christmas,
Too hot for a blizzard.
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even the lizard!

With me in my cut-offs
And Mom in her tube-tops,
I'm sweating and sunburned
I pray that the temp drops!

A fat guy was taken
To the hospital today.
He was racing around
In a funny old sleigh!

Wearing red flannel
From head to his toes!
Delivering presents
All covered with bows.

We think the heat got him,
Caused him to fall
Off of our rooftop,
He bounced like a ball!

As the ambulance came,
I heard him yell,
"Forget Christmas out here,
It's hotter than HELL!"
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

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